JCInventory, Grid based jigsaw Inventory for your projects

Just want to start by saying that this is a great system and I wish the Unreal marketplace had a rating system so I could give it full marks.

My problem as simply put as possible - I’ve created an issue for myself with the way I’ve implemented spawning Blueprint Actors in the game world. I would be grateful for any advice on how to fix or how to properly implement them using the JCInventory system. Think it’s more me not understanding how the system works than anything and the system already has a way of doing it I simply don’t know about.

The project I’m working on his essentially a tower defense game. The player can craft and find items such as explosive mines using the JC crafting system. If you then ‘Use’ them in the JC Inventory menu you spawn the mine in the game world. If an enemy touches the mine object it explodes causing damage or you can simply pick it up again. All executed in blueprint. It works just as a normal JC item drop would (Like if you drop an ammo box) but I’ve added in the class blueprint a trigger and explosion on enemy contact with the item.

It works great and you can create a minefield in seconds. The problem starts when you have multiple copies of the item as a physical object in the world. If you spawn one mine it works as planned - it either explodes if an enemy touches it or it is moved to you inventory if you want to pick it up again. But if you place multiples of the mine either in the level editor or if the player places multiple mines yourself in game at run-time whenever you try to pick one of the mines it adds 20 instances of itself to your inventory and respawns a physical instance of the mine in the world again. How can I fix this?

I think it’s because I’m (an idiot) using the ‘Event Use Function’ to trigger the spawn which is maybe also fired when you pick up objects in the world? Also because I’ve added Blueprints on the class level but have done so in a way that conflicts with JCInventory functions in my ignorance of the how to use the system.

Possible solution I can think of is letting JCInventory handle the item spawn by simply using the inventory drop feature (Not ideal because in future I was to use custom spawning events to fire a trace to align objects to slopes etc).

Is it simply I don’t understand how to implement new items/classes or is there something specific to the way I’m using the mines? Can anyone suggest what I’ve done wrong or how it should be implemented using JCInventory correctly. Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

So I bought jcinventory and I want a third person character that can equip weps and shoot but I don’t know how to set this up and in this demo it seems as if you have set this up I just bought it and in the marketplace it says that its 4.10 but I don’t see any of this in there.Well what actually happens is you go to download 4.10 and theres no ue4 gamesave file just executables. I want that top down example you have with the equip and stuff to learn. Please reply maybe its not out yet idk. Also sense I bought it do I get all the updates?

Hey, I’ve been trying to implement the 4.10 version into a c++ game with no luck. I’ve even downloaded the survival game project to try to follow your video tutorials but that fails at the same point too.

The ‘CPPWas Used’ event runs fine but when ‘Get Player JCInventory Core’ tries to run it just silent fails. Pretty hard to debug.

The player pawn has been set up like in your latest custom pawn video, with the RPC component.
I’ve tried to set up the items using the interact function I found and also exactly like in the video. See attachments.

Is there something I’m missing? I’m a bit new to Unreal Engine so there may be something simple I’m missing. Any help would be great.

The inventory window loads fine and the items disappear when I interact with them in PIE.

Edit: Solved
I just noticed ‘Get Interact Component’. If anyone else is wondering see the last attachment.

Hi, I just copied the JCInventory folder into a blank project and set the game mode to which ever demo I wanted to try out. That seems to work fine for testing, but I think there is a problem with the vault package at the moment.

Hello guys,
i wanna start this conversation giving my congratulations for this great work, i love this kind of inventory.
Anyway, i’m using in my project, but i found a problem.
Created my character BP, inside it (in Event Graph) i wrote it to show hand icon http://prntscr.com/9do0fi
but i have error like this http://prntscr.com/9do2eo and this http://prntscr.com/9do2oh
Who can help me?

Thank you

Problem solved, i was distracted and tired…i forgot to create some those functions

I tried that and what happens is that i can use the gamemode for them but when i hit play nothing happens but staying in place and can’t move also don’t see much of the world. I’m So confused why it won’t work i switched the game mode over.

when i create a project in 4.10 it doesnt generate a uproject file so i cant use it in 4.10 at all

Sound like your inputs aren’t set up correctly. You can check the characters event graph to see what inputs you need. If your new to Unreal Engine it might be best waiting until epic fix the vault file.
I’m assuming Staggerlee is away for the holidays or something. He usually replies faster. Once he’s back I’m sure he’ll message epic to get the rest of the files up.

hi guys,
someone made an equip system using this pack?
i’m trying to create some equipable items, but don’t know how to give a socket (from skeletal mesh) to the same equip slot from inventory

Take a look at the EquipmentSlot widget in the inventory UI, that’s where the socket is determined.

Personally I’d love to see an addition so that you can override what socket an item is equipped to in the item details.

Fabry911, you can use anything you like.
in the FPS example i named the socket the same as the widget equip slots name, as n00854180t said. But you can make a enum in the jcitem attributes to see what socket type it is you like for instance!

thank you guys

I’ve encountered both of these issues. Any word on a fix? I’m using workarounds for the latter; I’ll be looking into possible fixes for them both on my end.

It doesn’t work ofr me.It didn’t create the project. I hit create project and I didn’t get the .uproject file. And it does only on this project. All other work for me.

i tried to study how work all structure of this part of project, but i really didn’t find a way to link theese http://prntscr.com/9js9jn and this one http://prntscr.com/9js9us (for example)

hey guys news? i tried to make work sockets link with equipment slots, but don’t work…i’m actually studying and trying to make a new variable in equipmentslot BP, called Socket; where it’s possible to select the socket interested.

Another thing, i don’t understand why in the PDF part1, saving section, there is Graphics variable as integer http://prntscr.com/9ko0l0; but before in Settings BP we created a variable called Graphics as graphicsettings http://prntscr.com/9ko14n....how it’s possible? i don’t understand

Hello! I bought this fantastic inventory! This is great but i have a request: I have noticed that the JCItemDataStruct has a single JCItemAttributes… This is a limit for the numbers of attributes an object can have. I would like it to became an array. Is it possible? Thanks.

would anyone know how to go about adding whenever an item is equipped like shorts it will add a skeletal mesh to the character of shorts and have the mesh not be the one found as the items mesh. like the mesh for the shorts on the ground looks different than when equipped?

like this but somehow make it so instead of the f key being pressed its when the item is in the equipped slot?