JCInventory, Grid based jigsaw Inventory for your projects

Is there a setting to disable the quick bar (I don’t want to use it), or can I just edit the jcRPCComponent and not create the widget in the SetUpJcInventoryHud Event?

Hi Guys, I m learning or try to learn with the Topdown toolkit(IndyGoof) and have reaaly problems trying to integrate in my game… “GetInteractComponent” is simple not appear in “Mycharater” after the initial procedures. Already try to compilate assets on the “Interfaces” folder but they are already brokens… Any chance to have your help for a new user?

Anyone got sucsess installing on this topdown toolkit?

Thank a lot! :slight_smile:


Devfo studios you can just modify the JcRPCComponent. Make sure you take away the key bindings from your pawn as well.

**Mnogin **Never used the top down toolkit but have you added the interface to the pawn?

Why dont you try adding a ‘static mesh’ var to Jcattributes called something like ‘equip graphic’ then use that variable to spawn/equip etc instead of the item mesh?

**Leonraf88 **, you can add an array for anything you need inside JcItemAttributes, please state your use case you would need an item to have multiple attributes. The JCItemAttributes is a struct therefor is easy to extend.

Can someone write a simple tutorial on how to create a working weapon system with this? Im just looking for bare bones of how to get unique weapons using their own blueprints for their functions.

sorry guys, but there is someone so kind to help me?
my equip system don’t work, and i don’t understand how to do it.

thank you

Take a look at the Equip functions in the JCInventoryCharacter - basically what it’s doing is attaching to the socket defined in the EquipSlot (the slot in the actual inventory window, e.g., left or right hand) when it’s dropped onto that slot.

Take a look at the demo gun and rifle. Basically you want to hook into your JCInventoryItem’s “Use” function.

just a question, i’m trying to create a personalized inventory interface

and this is the inventory sheet:

what i need to do, to generate a grid inside?

So Ive Migrated this inventory system into my project it has a game start menu before entering the level which works fine. Everything is setup i have the item bar and i can bring up the inventory but i can not interact with the inventory menu? i have looked through JCuserinterface widget and can not find why my mouse cursor is not interacting with the menu. Any ideas would be much appreciated. Rated 5 stars on marketplace very nice market place content

just replace the horizontal box with a grid panel , but don’t reparent the player inventory sheet this is how i made it

I am also having this issue. Followed this video: https://.youtube.com/watch?v=XtHvfT9oZxU

I get the inventory to come up, but when clicking the inventory I instead fire my weapon because it thinks the widget is not a valid option to click? Please let us know what is going on. If you need more information let me know what you need.

Ok i worked out what the issue was the inventory is conflicting with my custom HUD Blueprint set hud to none and all works fine… So my next question is how can i use JC Inventorys with my current hud without it conflicting?

Need help, can’t find out how to save inventory :frowning: plz help!

Hello, I have been working hard on my project with the JC inventory system. LOVE it. I get to the point where players need to save their inventory, I can’t figure it out. Can anyone help or tell me what they did?

@ISchrader - Have you done save game info before? If not it’s going to be very similar - basically you want to loop through your player’s inventory and create an entry for each item, then put it into the regular save info system (there are tutorials for doing saves floating around).

Hey! really loving your system.
Its taken some time but i feel im most of the way there to integrating jc inventory into a game!
One thing im trying to nail is a way to have the inventory use up different items when crafting. eg:

Im trying to get the crafting to be able to use up say 3 wood 2 metal 4 plastic to create a certain item. It only seems to burn up one material and self (consume material and consume self) so when combining i only seem to use the material and self… not the others listed. Im not sure if that functionality is in there or if someone has worked this out? pretty new to this and would appreciate any pointers!

Would really help me move this part of the project along! thanks!

keep up the great dev work!

Just purchased this through the marketplace- lot of work went into this! Is it possible to be able to rotate the items in the inventory view similar to this:
(If you watch the vid, just about every object can be rotated.)

Also, any tips on changing how items are split?
Currently you hold control and click which brings up the split menu.
I’d want to work to making mine like Legend of Grimrock - holding shift and left clicking on a stack starts creating a new split stack at your cursor
If I can find a vid for this ill update this post.
Great work JC!

4.11 update

4.11 Update

  • Features a overhaul of network code. Will be totally stable even in very Laggy environments.
  • Protection from client side hacking of items.

This one took a long time for testing as it was a big overhaul of how the system works. Please send me feedback if you find any issues.
This update is reverse compatible with earlier versions of ue4.

Submitted and awaiting Epic market place staff.

**Thanks! **

Nice to see you’re still keeping up on this system. :slight_smile:

I had wanted to overhaul the Network stuff for some time as some of you know, but decided to line it up with the 4.11 update.
Rest assured i take my commitment to the project and you guys seriously. :slight_smile:

Also wanted to thank people who have sent me images of implementations, keep them coming!