A bit weired, but yesterday i messed around with a new multiplayer build and suddenly the interface stopped showing up. Now after coupel of trials and errors i removed the branch from the Possessed event (as suggested in your video), and voila interface works just fine. And more oddly afterwards i added a print string on that branch, it continued to work (with or without print). Really no idea what the issue was.
On a similar note, if you want to extend JCItemDataStruct, add new item, hit save on that screen. But then immediately quit-close the project (without saving), otherwise several components will break. Reopen and new added struct item is usable.
Im afraid i could not replicate this in a new Jcinventory project. 's what i did, i opened jcinventory in 4.9.2 then ran 2 players with dedicated server ticked and equip/unequip the rifle a few times. UE4 returned no errors and ran properly.
Can you provide some more details?
@Staggerlee - Might not be the case anymore, but the dedicated from editor used to be a bit funky and not necessarily give the same results as the proper dedicated.
There is an issue with the UI. When you change something on the UI and disable some equipment slots the stuct from the equipment slots wont get the item name…
Got some issues with the DetectionSphere, somehow not showing the hand. Is there something specific i could check within JC , since it won’t work with the ThirdPersonCharacter, or the demo map once i switch to the ThirdPersoncharacter?
Well, its not implemented in third person because it would make no sense with that kind of collision. The feedback given by the third person is done through the objects glowing on focus!
The hand icon is really there for single line trace types of collisions, third person has the advantage of having perspective around the camera but this disadvantage of less cursor accuracy.
But if you want to include it (its a design choice, not a technical thing)- just make a set of rules to show it. For example, make some rules to show it on BeginOverlap / EndOverlap of the detection sphere.
To turn on the hand make sure you use the function that sends the RPC to the client if your doing detection on the server. But for something trivial like that it would be ok to do it on the client, just make sure you do a check to ensure the pawn is locally controlled! (if its a multiplayer game)- But i assume you understand replication
Great system so far, I’m trying to implement it with a building system similar to The Forest, but instead if the player carrying an item and placing it on the building structure I was thinking of a right click menu similar to your right click in the inventory screen, where there would be a “Add” and “Remove” button over the structure, then if you had the item in inventory it would remove it and add it to the mesh.
Would this be doable? If so, any pointers on which functions to call etc to get the interaction menu to pop up and the check for items/ removing them from inventory?
Weapon_OD Well there is a right click menu built into Jcinventory that you can add buttons too, the rest would be integrated into your building logic. Make sure you send what jcinventory core and the index that was clicked to that function for the removal later, Character Functions | JcInventory Wikia | Fandom check out remove functions! see you will need the inventory core (what box or backpack the item is in) and the index? thats about all you need! you can also use a find function to find the index of a specific item type.
@simpple - Staggerlee may have some more specific ideas, but the basic jist will be covered by regular Save Game tutorials you can find on the forums and on the wiki. The main thing after you get save slots and such working then is to just loop through the player inventory and add an entry for each item.
Would anyone happen to know why this happens when using the post process outlining volume with the Ocean Plugin? It highlights ALL of my island, but only if it happens to be infront of the ocean. If I remove the ocean, it’s perfectly fine, but i Kind of need the ocean, since im on an Island.
I’m having an issue with containers over a network. Clients aren’t seeing the container’s assigned mesh, but instead just the default cube. I haven’t changed any settings or BPs, and have tried it with a fresh project as well. I’m using Unreal 4.9.2 and the latest version of JCInventory.
**Razia ** thats a confirmed bug, i have gotten rid of it as of the 4.10 release. To fix on earlier 4.9 versions just remove ‘set static mesh’ from the construction script and then set the static mesh from the ‘details’ panel of the world editor.
Heres the new trailer for version 4.10 heading your way
Hopefully we will see it soon on the market place! If you have any questions let me know, the biggest update was adding a top down template and a name color value to the attributes. (for rare items and things)
This is a great addon. Picked it up the other day and am happy with it.
I do have a couple of questions and suggestions.
Having a helper function to swap an item into a slot from blueprint would be useful. I was trying to rig it up so that double clicking would fall back to equipping the item if it was not consumable if it was an equippable slot, but ran into lots of problems. There could probably be a few more helper functions for this type of thing in general.
Is there some type of a changelog between versions for those who may have modded the blueprint to see what has changed in engine upgrade versions?