Jagged visuals in mobile but fine when using TempralAA in the editor

Hi, I am fairly new to unreal engine and whenever I make a game it has jagged visuals(the edges are not clear) in the editor as well as in the packaged product,although I have set the settings to epic.When I switch to TempralAA it looks a bit ok but ghostly in the editor.However TempralAA won’t work on android(It only works only in the editor). Any ideas?

Hi Ayan,

You’ll want to use the console variable r.MobileMSAA to adjust the AA quality for mobile.

  • 0 - Disable AA
  • 1 - Use Temporal AA
  • 2 - 2x samples for MSAA
  • 4 - 4X samples for MSAA.

Each of these have their benefit. Give them a shot and see what works best for your game. The last option will give the best quality, but that will come with more performance cost.
