Whenever I play the game(not a standalone) my it has these jagged lines how do I fix this?!
Either your anti-aliasing is turned off. turn it on (temporalAA) from the project settings.
Or your resolution is too low. go to settings > engine scalability settings > move from low to high or epic.
@IndieGameCove When you say settings do you mean project settings? -Snowflake_11
Below the viewport you have a big button saying “Stettings”. There is a submenu for graphics or scalability options there when you open it. You don’t run the game at 100% resolution, which I can tell from the fact that the editor’s text is a lot sharper than the game.
@TheSniperFan Now that I did that it ends up looking like this. And I can’t even see my Character in the game AND in the blueprint editor.
You must have changed something else too then. The screen percentage/resolution quality slider does nothing but change how high the rendering resolution is. You can literally change it at runtime, because it doesn’t affect the gameplay whatsoever.
Maybe you accidentally deleted your player start. Is the gamemode script running? Is the player even being spawned?
Everything is running as normal. Except for that fact. What would do that in the scalability settings that would do this? @TheSniperFan
See this: Scalability Reference | Unreal Engine Documentation
As you can see from the screenshot, the resolution scale setting is what causes the jagged edges (aliasing). These settings are purely cosmetic and don’t change anything about how the game’s logic runs.