iTunes Connect invalid binary

Ok, thank you very much. I’ll be waiting.

Ok, there is a failure trying to get the issued certificate name. Which is a little odd because that follows a standard format. I can probably give you a quick fix because your certificate Friendly Name matches the issued name (in fact, if you use 4.10.4 directly without the extra fix from this thread, it should work for you), but I believe that might be just a band-aid and not fix the real problem, I’ll have to think about what I can do to fix this.


Ok, I know what the issue is. Your issued certificate name doesn’t include a special character in it like our Epic one does and the other one looked at as well, so it doesn’t have quotes around it. I am looking for the quote and so it is failing to find it. I’ll have a fix shortly.


I know you already kno this, sorry for the late update. But yeah I still receive the Invalid Signature when uploading thru Application Loader.

Here is the new updated iPhonePackager with the fix for issued certificate name.

link text

Same instructions apply.

Do I need to reissue certificates?

No, but if you haven’t gotten the updated WWDR certificate (Apple PKI - Apple) you will need that.

I still get the same issue…

I dont know if you are talking about me or Bpop, but if its me, I delete all the provisions before uploading my distribution provision into the appdata folder.

It compiled fine this time, however before packaging it said provision key not found.

I still get this error as well.

Ok, that shows that it can’t find your provision. Do you have a non-distribution provision? It seems like in an earlier log you did have a non-distribution provision as well. We check to verify you have a valid non-distribution provision before even allowing you to package an IPA in the binary release, so that may be the issue in this one.


Ok, now I am getting confused, Bpop, did it ever work for you as you stated before?

All my provisions are for distribution. Are you saying I have to have a Development Provision, even if it’s not one that I will be using. In order for it to work?

, looking at your second log again, I don’t think you gave me the full log. Either that or you have something completely different wrong that has nothing to do with signing.

@Bpop and @, if you are in a binary build, then yes it shouldn’t be even allowing you to do any packaging at all if you don’t have a valid development provision as that is all we can do to verify everything is already setup. We don’t want you to go through an entire build just to find out we can’t see it. We probably should be checking distribution certificates as well, but that is separate issue from the current one.

Ok, try uploading that one to iTunes Connect and let me know if it succeeds. If it does, then I believe we have fixed your signing error. It looks like there is still an issue with it not always running the build, but I’ll see if I can reproduce that here.

My concern is that the last time I tried I got the provision key not matching while uploading to itunes connect. And last time it and also had provision key not found, even though it compiled as well. I will try though.

You mean the app itself? I can send you my previous build now if you want for you to see. The reason why is because I can only try a new submission tomorrow, as I don’t own a mac.

Ok thanks, the IPA is uploading atm, tell me where to send it to and I will. Many many thanks for the help so far!