Iterating over a Map fail

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

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If i take this code below from For | Unreal Editor for Fortnite Documentation | Epic Developer Community give this error:

Values := for ( X->Y := map{ 1=>3, 0=>7 }): X + Y
First argument to for must be a generator, X:=range, X:array, or X:map

Steps to Reproduce

Copy and paste this:
Values := for ( X->Y := map{ 1=>3, 0=>7 }): X + Y
See error

Expected Result

“An example of Index-value pairs from a map, Values is an immutable array with the int values 4, and 7”

Observed Result

Give error



 Values := for ( X->Y : map{ 1=>3, 0=>7 }):
             X + Y

remove the “=” from the “:= map”

Yes i did it before, but the documentation is wrong so.