Items are missing tags or have the wrong tags in the inventory

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Many items are either missing tags or have the wrong tags, making it so they don’t appear or wrongly appear when selecting specific tag. The following are all of the items I could find with wrong and/or missing tags:

The uncommon assault rifle, uncommon legacy drum gun, uncommon and rare MK-Seven assault rifle, uncommon legacy combat assault rifle, uncommon sideways rifle, uncommon sideways minigun, uncommon burst smg, uncommon lever action shotgun, uncommon pump shotgun, uncommon tactical shotgun, uncommon makeshift shotgun, uncommon pistol, uncommon primal pistol, rare and epic lever action rifle, rare rail gun, rare hunting rifle, rare grenade launcher, the Ageless Champion’s ex-caliber rifle, Inkquisitor’s suppressed smg, mythic combat smg, Huntmaster Saber’s thermal rifle, Highcard’s havoc suppressed rifle, Heart’s havoc suppressed rifle, Diamond’s thermal dmr, mythic thermal dmr, and the enhanced drum shotgun are all missing the guard tag despite other rarities of that gun having it

The heisted explosive assault rifle, snowball launcher, boom sniper rifle, explosive repeater rifle, purple paint launcher, and orange paint launcher are missing the explosive tag

The shockwave bow, kinetic blade, Throne’s vampiric blade, nitro fists, Megalo Don’s nitro fists, infinity blade, sideways scythe, the big chill, shockwave launcher, Kit’s shockwave launcher, snowy flopper, dial-a-drop, impulse grenade, shockwave grenade, frozen icecream cone, shadow bomb, and chiller grenade are all missing the mobility tag

The dragon breath’s shotgun, dragon breath’s sniper rifle, and bottle rockets are missing the fire starting tag

The ray gun, Zyg and Choppy’s ray gun, recon scanner, and grapple blade are all missing the infinite ammo tag

The crossbow, Cupid’s crossbow, fiend hunter crossbow, flare gun, kinetic blade, Throne’s vampiric blade, shockwave hammer, the Ageless Champion’s shockwave hammer, nitro fists, Megalo Don’s nitro fists, (maybe) kinetic boomerang, (maybe) rocket ram, and grapple blade are all missing the special ammo tag

The rocket ram is missing the melee tag

The port-a-fort, port-a-fortress, port-a-bunker, presents!, birthday presents!, guardian shield, zapper trap, creepin’ cardboard, and the sneaky snowman are all missing the throwable tag

The primal flame bow, primal stink bow, and mechanical shockwave bow all have the explosive tag

The launch pad (throwable version), Environmental Trap - Launch Pad (UEFN exclusive), and Environmental trap- Full Damage Rail (UEFN exclusive) are missing the trap tag

The dial-a-drop has the throwable tag despite it not being throwable

The birthday presents! has the paradise tag despite being added in chapter 1

The semi-auto suppressed pistol and the dual suppressed pistols have the flipped tag despite coming out before chapter 3

The automatic sniper rifle has the guard tag, but cannot be used by guards

The submachine gun (the epic and legendary different looking one) has the Fortnite: OG tag despite coming out during chapter 1 and not chapter OG

The witch broom has the last resort tag despite being added in chapter 2

(Maybe) The rocket ram and (maybe) the kinetic boomerang have the infinite ammo tag despite not using ammo

Steps to Reproduce

Either click on the tag and see what items don’t show up or look at what tags the items have and see what they do.

Expected Result

All items have the right tags and are in the right spots.

Observed Result

Some items are scattered across the entire inventory instead of being together.


PS5, Switch

Additional Notes

The rocket ram and kinetic boomerang both have maybe by it because they have the infinite ammo tag, so it could either go where the special ammo tag is added to them or the infinite ammo tag is removed from them.