Item Placer duplicate spawning under map and unable to delete

I have added an item placer on my map but I have noticed that a duplicate for each item placer has appeared out of nowhere and I am unable to delete it. This has happened on other maps for me as well and hasn’t been a problem however this time the item is half through the floor of the map and no matter how hard i try it will not delete. Moving the object doesn’t work either. Any ideas on how to force delete it?

@Razza994 Thank you for your report! We would like to look into this further, would you be able to submit a bug report using the form available here? Fortnite Creative
For more information, such as how to get the reference ID, please check out the article here:

show us some pics of the offensive piece :smiley:

If you look in the outliner you can also see duplicate item placer names. Dont know how this is possible either…

Actually nevermind. I was able to delete it after restarting UEFN.

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I’m glad you could fix it, that is weird duplicated at 0,0,0