It was running 66fps but not anymore. Serious issue with your pipelines

I have been working with a mobile 3060 because I had by pc in a cooled storage but now I have my desktop 3060 and wanted to test a couple of optimizations. But now I’m really P-ed off.

I had this same scene below: running 66-70fps, fullscreen, r.ScreenPercentage 100, 1080p on a desktop 3060.

I swear no monitor editor performance was turned on, just medium shadows, High HWRT “60fps” Lumen, no post process or effects, FXAA. 66fps on my Desktop 3060. Barely did anything to the project. Those settings with my 20% slower mobile oc 3060 was 47fps.

With that great desktop performance of 66fps, naturally I wanted to see if SWRT was going to perform even better. I flipped the switch on the project and got WORSE performance on the same exact settings.

57fps with SWRT lumen and same other settings above on my DESKTOP 3060? I get 51fps with my mobile with the same setup? WTF.

So I go back to the HWRT, flip the more optimize settings above and now the project went from 66fps to 51fps.

WTF? Something is seriously WRONG with UE5’s pipelines. I heard the backend code was more optimized but I really think that is BS?

Any Idea’s on wtf happened here? All cases by GPU was at 99% at 53C* and CPU was always around 34%

Any godforsaken Engine contributors want to explain? Something in your code is ruining performance because I had 66fps and now I don’t. When I first booted up the project with my Desktop 3060, it wasn’t running something that was ruining performance

I open the project and its running 70-76fps with software lumen and all my other more optimized settings on my desktop 3060!

WTH is going on?

EDIT: 66fps while playing in editor fullscreen with same settings

Update, unreal seems to be VERY confused about the resolution to output.

This is standalone, used r.SetRes 1920x1080f and that showed me that the resolution was lowered(for no reason! output log was LYING).

This is perf with max motion blur+TAA+native 1080p and optimized settings.

55-60fps from a large angle on a desktop 3060.
This performance is only achievable if the scene is empty, if shadow maps take a caching hit, ka-boom/49fps.

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