Issues with VR Spectator in VR Template

I am currently working on a Desktop/VR dogfighting game starting from the VR template. I am currently working on the desktop experience and functionality and am attempting to implement multiplayer functionality.

I’m running into a myriad of issues (mostly things attempting to access “None” when the UI is initialized. And also issues spawning players or losing all control functionality once a second player spawns.)

In order to handle things one at a time, I’ve also noticed that my controls simply stop working whenever I remove the VR_Spectator from the game. I’m starting to suspect that the VR_Spectator is causing some of the issues with multiplayer implementation and would like to know how to retain control functionality with the spectator removed.

Here’s a screenshot of my current initialization of the player ship:


I can tell from looking at your Blueprints that you need to learn some fundamentals about replicated gameplay logic. Exi’s network compendium is a great resource.

For the issues with input that you’re experiencing, did you create your own Input Mapping Context for your inputs or did you add your input actions and bindings to the VR Spectator’s Input Mapping Context? If you did the latter, there’s no Input Mapping Context being defined as the VR Spectator adds it on Begin Play.