Issues with team balancing

I’ve come into an issue were no matter how I set the IslandSettings players are being split into teams evenly. I’m trying to get all players to start on Team 1 so I can spawn them in the pre-game lobby. Then have them select a team with the class selector devices. Problem is players join in and are spawned on a random team (Island Settings are set to dynamic, there are team settings for teams 1-5, 1 being the lobby. Team 1 setting device has initial max players set to 16). I have to use Verse and programmatically switch players at the start of the game. This is a problem because I can’t set players to Spawn on Spawn Pads on game start, I had to set it to current position so that they don’t spawn on the team pads. This in effect causes players to start in weird spots on the next round which gets corrected by then switching them to team 1. All this can be avoided if I could just force everyone to start on team 1.

@Nman_Pkr Thank you for your report! We would like to look into this further, would you be able to submit a bug report using the form available here? Fortnite Creative

Update: I’ve been able to work around this using assigned classes. That way the lobby spawners use Class: No Class, and the team selectors assign a Class, and finally returning player to default class On Round End.

Turns out this still leads to problems. Some how after a server has been running long enough, some players will spawn in the sky even though there are plenty of Player Spawners that are set to Team Any, Class No Class. I feel if I set it to Team Any and Class Any it will work just fine but I won’t because that will cause issues with players spawning back to the lobby vs spawning on their teams spawn pads. I could try Team Any, Class Any and set the priority to 2 and set the priority on the team spawns to 1, but I have a feeling this will not work or could break in the future. Damage volume in the sky to kill the players that spawn in the sky it is… When you join and spawn in the air, if you hurry and manually respawn you spawn on the spawn pads hmmm. Almost as if the player agent is magically assigned a class at the start of the game other then: No Class. Null maybe? Any how I feel this will get fixed on its own and eventually I can just remove the damage volume.

Hey OP I’m currently running into the same issue. Did you ever find a better solution?