Issues with niagara scratch pad module : "map for" node not woking with CPUSim and "Custom HLSL" array undeclared

Hello, I have 2 issues with niagara scratch pad module.

First :
If if I set the emiter Sim Target to “CPUSim” the “map for” node in scrath pad modules doesn’t work, but if I set the emiter Sim Target to “GPUCompute Sim” it does.
I have no error, it just doesn’t loop.
I need my particles to collide with some colliders in my scene so I need to use CPU Sim…

Second :
Since map for didn’t worked, I tryied to use the “Custom Hlsl” to loop my array.
But if I link an array (like a float or vector array) to the “Custom Hlsl” node I have an error that say that the variable isn’t declared.

Is it not possible to pass arrays to the “Custom Hlsl” node, or am I doing it wrong?

Does someone have a solution/explaination to either of those issues?

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Loops are not yet supported on cpu simulations.

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hi, could you please show some examples of how to use the MAP FOR node in Niagara ScratchPad? Thank you.

Here is an example setting array elements in a loop

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@Michael.Galetzka , could u please show an example of adding element onto the totally empty array. Is it possible? And if it is not very hard to u, one example with HLSL … Thank u very much :blush::pray: