Issues with adding C++ to blueprint project

I have been struggling for a week now to properly make my project able to use C++. I have followed the official unreal documentation, I have searched things for various bugs (like the read-only issue), and I still have issues. There isnt a clear cut EXACT set of packages visual studio needs. I found that the official documentation doesnt provide every single needed package and I had to add some on my own as I had issues with NuGet and nmake. Yes I have regenerated files multiple times and reinstalled.

I additionally had an issue because I am using HoudiniEngine finding that it must be installed per project not in the engine itself to even get a rebuilt project to open.

At this point, even when I open a brand new blueprint project, and create a new C++ class, when I get to visual studio I end up with 80+ errors on a fresh class. Most of them involving AutomationTool, TurnKey, and Gauntlet, but additionally many unreal source files giving warnings as well with ‘uninitialized’ or errors from ‘incomplete type.’

I can not for the life of me understand how to have a clean integration here.

I am using 5.5 and Visual Studio 2022, and I am on Windows 10.

Few error reference from clean project rebuild:

I can get a project to launch, but when I create a new class, put my code in, and save, nothing occurs in unreal engine itself. I can see Live Coding window is up when I do this and I check actors spawn list (its an actor) and it does not show. I assume this is because of the unclean nature of the builds in VS.

In essence I simply want to understand how to get this to integrate cleanly, and what my mistakes are if anyone can help me out.

(post deleted by author)

It says its an error maybe you could provide us with code of an actor your trying to create.
And Actor not appearing in UE is because Engine found errors in code you last saved so it wont apply it until you fix error.

The errors I provided were me attempting to covert a completely clean project with the FIrstPerson starter assets, as a blueprint → C++ rebuild.

I havent even finished the actor I was doing in C++ yet because I couldnt get unreal to compile anything or do C++ at all even with what seemed to be the right packages. My VS was filled with constant errors and issues, a lot of them with regards to packaging like TurnKey and AutomationTool.

RIght now I want to figure out how I can have C++ and blueprints in a ‘clean’ project with no errors, haha.

Side note:
Thanks for some responses though its been a while and I have just been working with blueprints in the meantime.