I have been struggling for a week now to properly make my project able to use C++. I have followed the official unreal documentation, I have searched things for various bugs (like the read-only issue), and I still have issues. There isnt a clear cut EXACT set of packages visual studio needs. I found that the official documentation doesnt provide every single needed package and I had to add some on my own as I had issues with NuGet and nmake. Yes I have regenerated files multiple times and reinstalled.
I additionally had an issue because I am using HoudiniEngine finding that it must be installed per project not in the engine itself to even get a rebuilt project to open.
At this point, even when I open a brand new blueprint project, and create a new C++ class, when I get to visual studio I end up with 80+ errors on a fresh class. Most of them involving AutomationTool, TurnKey, and Gauntlet, but additionally many unreal source files giving warnings as well with ‘uninitialized’ or errors from ‘incomplete type.’
I can not for the life of me understand how to have a clean integration here.
I am using 5.5 and Visual Studio 2022, and I am on Windows 10.
Few error reference from clean project rebuild:
I can get a project to launch, but when I create a new class, put my code in, and save, nothing occurs in unreal engine itself. I can see Live Coding window is up when I do this and I check actors spawn list (its an actor) and it does not show. I assume this is because of the unclean nature of the builds in VS.
In essence I simply want to understand how to get this to integrate cleanly, and what my mistakes are if anyone can help me out.