Issue with memory for grind rail devices


Item memory for Grind Rail devices do not merge and are treated as separate when potentially using a verse Tag

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

I believe it is due to the verse tag markup. I have placed 4 Grind rails and set them as verse tag 1 i have then duplicated the devices and set them to verse tag 2 ect ect. I assume this is the reason it has grouped them in sets of 4. I am unaware that doing a simple tag would change the memory usage on an item so thought i would raise it at least too get checked if nothing else. If having a tag on a device does indeed treat the device as a fresh clean placement then please confirm as that’s something worth knowing.

Expected Result

I would think a tag wouldn’t impact a device like this and i would think that all the memory be merged as standard device procedure

Observed Result

The memory is through the roof. If i replicated this a few more time i would fill 100k memory in very few devices



Additional Notes

i will attach a image. If you need any info please ask and i will support in the investigation as i need the Grind rails but i think its gunna be a choice between Grind rails and other devices as i am as we are all bound by the 100k limit