Issue with Blurry Textures (Reprojection) in Reality Capture 1.5

Wondering if any can help me with a blurry texture issue in Reality Capture 1.5. I processed a large model of a neighborhood with 966.8M triangles.

I followed CyArk’s workflow here to texture it using Fixed Texel Size .002mm. I then simplified it three times, shown here:

and reprojected the texture using maximal texture count. However, now my texture is blurry and I can’t figure out why. I’ve never had this issue before. I’ve done large models before, but not quite this large. Any ideas?

Textures showed in the 3d view are downscaled (if RC detects you want to view more than 1x 16k texture or 4x 8k texture) textures will be automatically downscaled for viewing purposes.
In order to view it in full resolution please position the camera in the 3d view and make a render to view it in full quality/ resolution.

Increase the number of textures in settings, unwarp, then run the texture.