I am trying to create a dedicated server build for our prototype game. I followed every step in this link:
But i get stuck on part 6. when I need to use the unrealfrontend to cook the game. I get the following error:
UE4Editor-Cmd.exe executable. Needs to be built first.
I build the UE4 source engine in development. same goes for my Uproject.
I also created a server target. But doesn’t seem to show in the configuration of my VS project even after I regenerated my VS project files.
Does anybody has a working tutorial on how to create a server executable or build one.
I’ve just recently deployed a Linux dedicated server on a remote hosting, so it is absolutely doable. I will try to help you with your problem.
First of all, you should try cooking your project from inside the editor using Package project instead of UnrealFrontend. The latter one is a bit trickier to start with. As for the configuration - can you post a picture of your available configurations? You should have Debug Server, Development Server amongst them.
Have you actualy regenerated your project files or have you just rebuilt your project? To regenerate the files you need to right-click on your .uproject file and select “Generate Visual Studio project files”.
I just changed the name of the project to ProjectName. Other than that is this the server target from the link. Its located in the source folder next to the other targets.
Yes it is a cs file. Yeah after a few days of retrying the tutorial and searching errors I also have no idea what I’m doing wrong. I do think my server target works because when using unrealfrontend he doesn’t complain about the server target.
Is there anything that you have to change in your VS files?
Or do you need to ad your own configuration in VS?
I haven’t given up on you, don’t worry, I’m just thinking of possible issues. I’m also going to record a tutorial on this topic somewhere in the nearest future.
Could you maybe go over the steps you took to build a server? I would really appreciate it, not only me but people having the same issue. thanks for the help so far
I have the exact same issue, and I just realised that when I generate VS project files, it unlinks my new GamenameServer.Target.cs from the solution. Is this happening to you too ?
It could be a new starting point to solve this problem
Hy ,
Thanks for noticing. I have the same issue with the server target that disappears. Looking into this atm. I will post an answer when I find something
I looked at the shootergame example. I noticed there that their shootergameServer.target isn’t included in their VS even when rebuilding. You also can’t choose server in their VS configuration. So the tutorials is somewhat outdated.
I don’t know about you guys, but its getting disheartening knowing how good this engine really is to be stopped in development by this problem
I’m presuming you have gone through these links as I have without success
Maybe piinecone maybe able to create a video of these steps, there maybe something very small we are just missing and its causing all these issues.
Suggestion for Tutorial would be create a project from either the first person/third person/vehicle as these are the projects I’ve currently tried and make the dedicated server from wither of these.
Pausing the video for compiling I going to take as a given as this can take a fair amount of time.
Keep going peeps, we will get this working somehow and then we can enjoy this amazing engine.