Issue Launching

Hi I’m relatively new to UE and just trying to get set up with a debugging environment.

I’ve started using VS Code and want to get set up so that I can debug into stuff.

However, I’m coming up against an issue where I am able to use play mode and if I use the project launcher my level loads fine.

However, if I try to launch through VS Code or just click the editor “Launch” button, the Game Window opens but it’s a black screen and doesn’t do anything. It appears as though the game has started, but nothing happens.

Since it’s working through the project launcher window, I thought that perhaps when I’m using the Launch button or VS Code, the correct files the project needs to run are not being pulled in and it’s failing to load the level?

Or perhaps I haven’t set something up correctly in the project setting and launching it with different configuration settings or something?

Does anyone have any ideas of what it could be?

Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!