issue creating physical hands in the new VR template


I’m trying to create a physical hands with the new VR template in UE5. Fist, if anyone can point me to a ue5 tutorial creating physical hands that would be great, all the tutorials I’ve found uses the old template.

just to be clear, the new template I’m talking about is the current VR template that uses rigged hands models with finger animation instead of the VR controllers.

To my understanding, the common approach is to use a “second” physical hand that is attached to the main hand with physics-constraint, the hand moves and drag the physical hand along side with it. That what I’ve tried to create:


the PhysicsConstraint_L has MotionControllerLeft (I’ve also tried HandLeft with hand_l bone selected) as component 1 and HandModel_L as component 2.

My issue, if I set the HandModel_L as a physics Actor and simulate physics from the start, the game just breaks… I start at 0,0,0 instead of where the player start is, my hands are gone and inputs are disabled (I can’t teleport, rotate, etc.).

Things I have tried:
1- if I coded the HandModel_L to be physics Actor and simulate physics on begin play event, things work as normal but the physical hand just drops from my VR hands and the constraint is just disabled.

2- fill the PhysicsConstraint componants on begin play along side editing hands collision options, and what happen here is the hands just fly to 0,0,0 and I have no idea why this is happing!

3- tried both 1- and 2- but changing the first physics constraint component between the HandModel_L and HandLeft and in this case I need to select a bone and I picked hand_l bone.

I’ll keep trying to fiddle with it and hope for the best, any help is appreciated.


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Update on the issue:

I rearrange the hierarchy of the components as follow:
I took the physical hand outside the MotionControllerLeftGrip

I found out that when just adding a physical mesh to the VRPawn at 0,0,0 simply MotionControllerLeftGrip get destroyed, is it duo to collision? because if I just moved the mesh it doesn’t get destroyed!

The new components arrangements fixed the strange effects but the physical mesh doesn’t follow the hand.

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So I fixed the issue and successfully created the hand, I have no idea why the physical mesh destroys the MotionControllerLeftGrip if was set to anything physical, this is what my problem was, I had to assign the physics constraint component and set the collision in the blueprint at begin play. It’s a doozy, I had to add a pivot so the constraint connect to it and not to anything else.

If anyone can tell me why if the mesh was set to anything physical, it destroy the MotionControllerLeftGrip (or right) on start??

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