Island Settings is not applying to published version of map.
Even though the maximum player count is set to 4 in IslandSettings within the UEFN editor, the player limit size reverts to 10 when playing the published version.
Timer to end round is set to 15 minutes. It works when testing as a private creation. It reverts to 5 minutes when playing the published version.
Players do not spawn on the player spawner devices in pre-game lobby countdown. Rather, they spawn underneath the map.
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What Type of Bug are you experiencing?
Steps to Reproduce
Join the latest published map.
Expected Result
When the maximum number of players is set to 4 in IslandSettings, the published map should also limit the number of players to 4.
Players should spawn on player spawners during pre-game countdown.
Timer to end round should be 15 minutes, not 5.
Observed Result
Even though the maximum player count is set to 4 in IslandSettings within the UEFN editor, the player limit size reverts to 10 when playing the published version.
Timer to end round is set to 15 minutes. It works when testing as a private creation. It reverts to 5 minutes when playing the published version.
Players do not spawn on the player spawner devices in pre-game lobby countdown. Rather, they spawn underneath the map.
Observation: Islandsettings and player spawners are not working correctly.
can you make sure that there is nothing colliding with the players where the spawn pads are and where they should spawn. I made the mistake of using a ‘cylinder’ for my barrier device when i meant ‘hollow box’ and it shoved my players outside of the barrier.
make sure they are slightly above the ground you want them to spawn on maybe.
Do you have any team settings devices (max players) or round settings (round time) devices that may be overwriting what is in the island settings?
make sure they are slightly above the ground you want them to spawn on maybe.
I’ve had each Player Spawner snapped to floor. Per your suggestion, I’ve slightly increased the height (Z value in blue under “Transform”) of each Player Spawner by four units. This did not solve the issue, unfortuntately. I have included a picture of how my Player Spawners are configured.
can you make sure that there is nothing colliding with the players where the spawn pads are and where they should spawn. I made the mistake of using a ‘cylinder’ for my barrier device when i meant ‘hollow box’ and it shoved my players outside of the barrier.
Attached below is a picture of the Player Spawner pads. I do not see any obstructions or collisions with the pads.