Island Removed from Discovery After Update

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



We released our newest game (1301-9879-0360) on Friday, April 26. It was added to Discover the next day and was promoted in multiple categories including the #1 spot on “Up and Coming”. I pushed a small update on Sunday afternoon, and after the update went live our island was removed from all discover categories and has not been featured since.

The island peaked at around 800 concurrent players in the first couple days, and maintained a solid 400-500 players for over 24 hours. As soon as the update went live the player count dropped and has stayed around 150 without promotion. Our average play time and retention look good compared to other successful islands we’ve published in the past, so it seems like a bug that it isn’t being featured anywhere on the Discover page.

I’ve tried to push another update to see if it would help, but I cannot push any new updates as we’re now experiencing the problem documented in this thread: Verse persistable data still prevents updates from being published - #34 by Flak

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Release an island and get some traction on the Discover page

  2. Push an update to the game

Expected Result

The game continues to be promoted after the update.

Observed Result

The game is dropped from all Discover categories and is no longer promoted.



Island Code


Bump Can I get an Epic staff response to this?

Updating just in case somebody else runs into this issue in the future.

Our island had no promotion for about 10 days. Then the bug that prevented us from publishing a new version was fixed, and after we uploaded a new version our game started being promoted by the discover system normally again. So it was indeed a bug, but uploading a new version seems to be the fix.

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