Island Creator Program Issue

Hello all,

We’re aware that there was an issue with the Island Creator program registration that may have caused unwarranted rejections based on the editing time criteria. If you meet all of the criteria for applying to the program and were rejected, please try to register again.

To register, or for more information and to see the eligibility requirements, please visit the Island Creator overview page.


404 error on that link btw

Thank you, fixed!

Thanks for looking into this, there were a lot of people commenting it wasn’t working. Is there any way to see how many days in I am? I’ve lost track but feel like it’s been 3 weeks by now… anyways, just wanted to check to see how many more days there are.

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Hi, thanks for confirming that the issue has been investigated. However, I am still getting the same eligibility rejection regarding the 21/90 day requirements:

Your account is not eligible. Check that you meet the eligibility requirements.

To qualify as an island creator, your Epic account must have first logged into Fortnite at least 90 days before applying, and 21 of your last 90 days must include island editing in Fortnite Creative and/or UEFN.

I can confirm through version control that I started working in UEFN on 23 March (22 days + 3 hours as of right now) and that I had first logged into Fortnite and played around in creative more than 90 days ago.

Would it be possible to have the issue looked into further, as it doesn’t appear to be completely resolved?

Hi , thanks for the update but still not able to apply unfortunatly

hope it can be fixed … logged to fortnite before the dates and logged to uefn on launch , will see :wink:

It is not 21 days or more ago. It is 21 actual usage days. You need to log in to UEFN every day.

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Have you logged into UEFN 21 days? It is not 21+ days ago, it is 21 actual usage days.

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ohhh 21 usage days i don’t think so ! thanks for the info , i didn’t know it was 21 usge days … :+1:

Do you know what qualifies as a “day” in that case? Simply opening and closing UEFN/making a version control submission/launching a session, etc?

I have now got past this error and can apply. However I get met with this error message every time I try to press next on the eligibility verification page. Is it not letting me past because I had my support a creator taken away? If so epic really need to describe that somewhere, maybe with a better error message?

It would be really helpful if you could see how many days have been counted for you “using UEFN”. Instead of just trying to register each day and hoping today is the day.


Nope. I make sure I go in and change something each day if it is not a “major” editing day for me. And also start a new session and push changes. Hopefully that is enough.

Same issue for me. Can you improve the very generic error of “90/21 days” and return exactly how many days (and in what category) creator is missing?

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I managed to publish a map so now it’s approved, public and listed.

Everyone can play it by the island code but my problem is that it’s not listed in the Fortnite client “Browse” (nor “Discover”) page so no one w/o the code can find it. Any ideas? Is there some delay between publishing and island appearing on the client? It’s been 10 hours from publishing now.

Still can’t sign up. I’ve been using UEFN for 25+ days on my 3 years old FN account.

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Hey folks, if you’re still having issues, could you submit a bug on the form? Creative and UEFN Bug Submission Form

I’ve opened 2 tickets (epic and creative support) and sent bug report. So far 2 out of 3 said “here’s a FAQ website, we can’t do anything”.

Same experience with support here.

I’ve opened a ticket and received a replay after few days clearly showing that they have not read/understand my issue.

So I’ll have to repeat it here: My island is published, public and listed. Everyone can access it over the island code. However, issue is that my island does not appear on the Fortnite client “Browse” page. I’m not talking about the “Discover” page where only selected islands are promoted but about “Browse” page where all listed islands appear.

I don’t think browse is all games. If you go into each category there are only 40 or 50 games in each one. There should be thousands in each category. There must be some other way games appear there…random? Or maybe enough people have to play with island code, and give a like, before possibly listing there?