Hello ,
Unreal Engine completly freezes my PC whenever I try to drop an asset to the viewport ( fooliage , grass , … ) and I was wondering if it’s because of my new AMD Ryzen processor .
Here are my specs , AMD ryzen 1700X 8 cores 16 threads processor , ASUS PRIME X370 pro motherboard , 32 Gigas of Corsair Vengeance RAM , a Nvidia GTX 1070 and a 750Watts PSU .
It’ll be cool if you could give an answer cause I built this new rig specially for Game making/3D dev .
Kind regards .
Thanks .
If it was CPU incompatibility there would be more raports liek that
Look up system logs, Right click “Computer”->“Manage”->“Event viewer” if it’s OS crash it should be mention there. Also check out UE4 logs in your project directory Saved/Logs maybe you will find hints there. Also what OS do you use.
You might try to build engine from github, if there any CPU compatibility issues this have highest chance solving it.
I plan to buy Ryzen myself soon so when i get it and i will still remember i can tell you my expirance with it and UE4.
I’m using a Ryzen processor without issue. Sounds like there might be an issue with some of your hardware.