Is this possible with Niagara? - Particles as enemies

Hello. I’m trying to make a lot of enemies appear at once (hundreds, maybe even thousands). Regular AI doesn’t work at this scale. But all the enemies have to do is to go to where the player is. Can this be done with Niagara, where each enemy is a particle?

I don’t know how to tell them to follow the player. I know collision detection is possible, so they could deal damage and be damaged, I know they could follow the terrain (very simple level, basically just a big flat ground with some objects scattered around).
But how could I make them go to where the player is? Also, could each particle store their own health in a variable somehow, so that they can be damaged multiple times before they disappear?

All I found was this video: Simulating Large Crowds In Niagara | Unreal Engine - YouTube and it’s close to what I want, but it’s more like a showcase than a tutorial, doesn’t explain how to do it. And the project file is not public.


Yes possible, this will give you hint as well as how to optimize things around.

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This is the same video I have a link to in the question.

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Hi there,
Maybe this video is what you need.
Zombie Attraction Force in UE4.26 Niagara Component Renderer - YouTube

This is the best source for advanced Niagara, and his older videos explain all Niagara modules.

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Thank you very much, this solves the following the player issue.
Any idea for storing values (basically an integer) per particle, so they can have their own health values?

Hi there,
Glad it helped.
Not sure how you would go for it. I guess, for this, you should be spawning the particles with a blueprint that can receive damage from your player, then destroy the particles when dead, spawn another particle playing death animation, then destroy the actor (inside the blueprint, you want to call “destroy”). A basic damage system with blueprints should work for you.