Hi! I have a Lenovo Explorer headset and I can’t figure out if there’s support for the engine to these glasses . In 4.17 has gone hand in 4.18 there was a distortion of the image ,and 4.19 in General hung out the entire engine (let down Steam VR server ) ! I don’t want to go to Unity ! Help!
The distortion is a known issue with WindowsMR and 4.18.
Can you describe in more detail what’s happening with 4.19?
Hello .
I have long known about this bug with distortion (the most current version for WMR 4.17) . I want to know when will be support for WMR.
Thanks for the reply.
Epic supports the SteamVR/OpenVR plugin. No official word on when/if WMR will be supported.
Thank You!
yeah they’re all bugged so far 4.17-4.19 each have multiple bugs that make it unplayable in vr. Just for an example take any of these engines, use the sample vr level, turn off ALL post processing that you can find and then look at the profiler. You will notice UE can never reach 90 fps even in best case scenarios of empty scenes with no effects. This just proves unreal engine is not capable of vr. I have actually reached out to unreal engine developers of vr games and asked them and they confirmed you cannot beat 90 fps in unreal vr.