Hello i was going through the article here : Face AR Sample | Unreal Engine Documentation . Is there something similar for ARCore ( android ) too ? If no can Epic games create similar article for it ?
If I’m not mistaken, no. The ARKit is developed by Apple and the kit is what is used for the FaceAR sample project.
Basically, if you want to “use a smart device” to capture facial animation, you have to use an Apple product. I just upgraded to the newest iPhone in order to jump into this.
Ah , yeah i was hoping there was something like this in android space too. ArCore has no such support i guess.
ARCore has Augmented Faces Руководство разработчика Augmented Faces для Unreal | ARCore
it justs needs to be added to Face AR Sample for both devices Android (ARCore) and iPhone (ARKit) they both have their own facial tracking features.