Is there any way to set markerName in AddAnimationNotifyStateEvent?

Hi, I am trying to use AddAnimationNotifyStateEvent. I noticed that I can set markerName of notifies with AddAnimationSyncMarker but cannot with AddAnimationNotifyStateEvent. (markerName is decided by NotifyStateClass name in AddAnimationNotifyStateEvent) I want to use AddAnimationNotifyStateEvent and at the same time, I want to set up markerName as I want. Is there any way to do it? Thank you!

void UAnimationBlueprintLibrary::AddAnimationSyncMarker(UAnimSequence* AnimationSequence, FName MarkerName, float Time, FName TrackName)

static UAnimNotifyState* UAnimationBlueprintLibrary::AddAnimationNotifyStateEvent(UAnimSequence* AnimationSequence, FName NotifyTrackName, float StartTime, float Duration, TSubclassOf NotifyStateClass)