Is there any way to disable force no precomputed lighting in open world level

Hi, I am using unreal 5.0.3 and I have created a open world level with world partition enabled. This is going to be an android game so lighting build is necessary.
But unfortunately force no precomputed lighting is turned on and no way to disable which is skipping light build.

Is there any way to disable it? Or is there any alternative approach to build lighting on that level?

Greetings @ArnabSparkle

Did you find a solution to your issue? I believe you can only uncheck ‘Force No Precomputed Lighting’ if the world partition is disabled. I hope that this was helpful!

hi @ArnabSparkle
Create Games → Blank

World Settings
unchecked “Enable Streaming” in World Partition Setups in World Settings,

disabled world partition
Turn off Force No Precomputed Lighting