If you are referring to the scene capture component when you say rendering size and location, you can do the following:
You can use this function: Create Render Target 2D | Unreal Engine Documentation. It allows you to create a render target with specified size/dimensions, and you can then use the returned Render Target 2D as the Texture Target of your Scene Capture component and then capture your scene:
You also need to remember to release the render target you create when you are done, or else it will just hang in memory:
You have the option to set either relative or world location of your scene capture component; this will update the location for you.
If you are referring to the camera itself when you say rendering size and location, you can do the following:
You have the option to set either relative or world location of your camera component; this will update the location for you.
You have the Field of View parameter in your camera component, which will either zoom in or out, depending on the value; from what I know there is no way to change the rendering size of a camera.
It’s just because when I click eject, the viewport is still covered by the Widget so I can’t move camera.
It’s hard to get to know how the game is working.
Thank you!
It’s sad to hear that camera component can’t change rendering size, but your dynamic creation of a texture render target seems to suit my project.
I will repeat set & unset the Widget to check the whole scene.