Hi 3dRaven!!
Please, can you look at this code?
I was looking for the error in my code. I was making the code from scratch. I only put a small amount of code and suddenly the error appears.
However, it seems that it has nothing to do with the logic of my game, nor with my actor components.
I think it is related to the input (UEnhancedInputComponen)
void SetupPlayerInputComponent(UInputComponent* PlayerInputComponent)
And/Or with the replication of variables
void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(TArray &OutLifetimeProps) const
However it seems to be something completely random.
I couldn’t isolate it.
I commented a few lines and suddenly it disappears. Then I uncommented them and it did not appear again
Maybe you can see if I’m doing something wrong.
Because I updated the Engine to version 5.2 a couple of days ago, and suddenly I see a warning that the input system was deprecated. So I updated it and all the problems started.
There is some commented code.
It is what I was discarding until the error disappeared.
The weirdest thing is that the error disappears when I comment out the BeginPlay() and Tick() functions and curiously i’m not using them.
It’s all very weird…
So if you can take a quick look and let me know if you see anything that shouldn’t be that way that would be great.
MyCharacterBase.cpp (13.3 KB)
MyPlayer.cpp (11.0 KB)
MyPlayer.h (4.3 KB)
MyCharacterBase.h (5.3 KB)
Thank you very much 3dRaven!!