Is there a way to 'wrap' clothing around a character with morph targets, without morph targets on the clothing?

For the past couple days, I have been struggling with an issue that I can’t seem to find an answer to. I have a naked model with several morph targets exported with it. These morph targets are mainly controlling how skinny/fat/muscular the model is with different body parts available for adjustment.

I also have several meshes of clothes, that i apply to the character through master pose.

The problem comes along when I try to morph the character mesh while clothes are on it. The clothes will not get displaced to accomodate the new volume of the character and its skin will mostly just clip through the clothing.

I would like to know whether there exists any way to make the additional meshes to conform to the master mesh.

I’m open for any propositions, from plugins to C++ code. I thought about displacing the clothing vertices through code, but I don’t know if it’s possible and how would go about it, I’d appreciate any scraps of knowledge on this topic, because it’s really hard to find information about Unreal online for some reason.

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Hey bro I got you

You might wanna censor the nude model pic though. Not that we’re all prudes about something inherently non-sexual but it’s the kind of thing that ends up moderated usually.

Best of luck! I know this part can be a real pain. I’d also recommend adding masking to your human’s skin material so you can mask out polys that stubbornly stick through clothing even after applying morph targets to the clothing.

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Thank you for the tip. This was my first post here, and it went through a moderator before it was posted, but I will censor it anyway.

I will get back to you after trying out your suggestions. It’s wild that after days of looking I could not find any of these.

Man, the marketplace is VAST, it’s easy for good stuff to get lost and become hard to find. Don’t feel bad, that’s why we have the community to share knowledge!

I bought all three of these a few years ago for this exact purpose and can say I like Mesh Morpher the most, but Morph Tools Plugin is more than adequate for the job, especially if you’re good at writing utility blueprints to batch copy the morphs from your model to your (possibly dozens of pieces of) clothing. Mesh Morpher will allow you to edit the morphs after the copies are made in case of any leftover artifacts.

It’s not that I even feel bad, more frustrated than anything.
I feel like unreal documentation in itself is pretty confusing and lacking in content. I usually have to look into unreal libraries by myself and deduce how functions work on C++ level.
Plugins getting lost are more like an extension of this to me, because without extensive documentation it is hard to come up with valid key terms for google and forum searches.
I will start making better use of the forums though. It’s always better if someone can just tell you straight forward what’s going on, than depending on posts from 2016 that don’t even talk about the issue at hand.

So apparently, I could post multiple media embeds as a new user, but I cannot edit the post now.

I get a popup about new users being able to embed only one piece of media.

Just need to keep posting in the forum until you are updated to a member status and you can post more embeds

Hello, how would morph targets can be utilized for the clothing system? If you can give some general points on how it can be implememted. Thx!