Is there a way to ignore plugins in .uproject file?

I’m working on a team project, and I have many paid plugins that only affect the editor and don’t really need to be shared with the team (for example AdvancedEditorUtilities, Freezer, Darker Nodes, Blueprint Assist, Node Graph Assistant, et cetera)

Is there a way to make these plugins not appear in the .uproject file once they are enabled? There are many plugins in the engine that are enabled by default and don’t appear there.

I tried to add “EnabledByDefault” inside their .uplugin file, and they are enabled on every project with the same engine version, but they are still added to the .uproject file and everytime I open a project the editor tells me to update it (And I have to discard it every time before committing changes).

Thank you in advance!

P.S. I wanted to post this in the Q&A Section but I’m getting an error saying “The QUESTION tag is not allowed in Pipeline & Plugins Category”

Hey @Ares9323!

Sorry about the post issues! We’re having a few technical difficulties with the site since the overhaul on Tuesday. Unfortunately I don’t know how to fix your plugins issue, but I wanted to let you know we are working on the Q&A Section issue! :slight_smile:

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Not sure if you still need to know but I found that additionally setting “Installed” to false in the uplugin file will do what you’re looking for. This is what developer plugins like Riderlink do when installed to the engine.

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Thank you so much, better late than never!

This makes a lot of sense, if is not installed the engine should treat it as a built-in plugin and don’t update the .uproject file!

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