I’m doing this for a cinematic render, not a game if that makes a difference.
I’m trying to figure out if it is possible to get collisions with skeletal meshes with Niagara particle system. I tried all available modes - CPU, GPU, RT Experimental but still can’t make it work.
Here’s a screenshot
Yes, skeletal mesh collision should be the default behavior with the Collision module enabled in your emitter. Let’s try to figure out where your issue is coming from.
First, does your skeletal mesh that you are testing against have collision enabled? What does your player collision view mode look like when looking at your skeletal mesh?
Secondly, try replicating this behavior with a default Niagara template (like the Fountain) and adding the Collision module with no other adjustments. Is it working?
Thirdly, what version of Unreal are you using? I may have better luck replicating your issue if I test on the same version.