is there a way to enable Gaussian DoF for Deffered in 4.23?

I know that Epic removed the ability to use Gaussian DoF when useing the Deffered Rendering in UE4.23. I am very upset because it was a very important visual effect for our project.

The DoF has a sky Distance that masks out the sky. it gives a sense of distance and atmosphere without bluring out the skybox.

Why was the Gaussian DoF removed in 4.23?

Is there a way to achieve simular results with the new Depth of Field system in 4.23? (To have a very far of blur where the skybox is masked out in some way or another)

If not, is there a way to enable back Gaussian DoF for the Deffered in 4.23? (Maybe by editing the sourse code or simular)

The image is from 4.22. just wanted to clarify. This is how it looks in the new 4.23 version.