Is there a way to debug VR (Oculus) without leaving the editor?

I’m using 4.11.1 with the DK2 and 1.3v Oculus SDK.

I’m trying many things and I’d like to be able to read my Print String outputs without having to constantly put the headset on and taking it off.

The ideal would be to be able to use the Simulate mode and receive headset input at the same time, because now I’m trying to read some values and in simulate mode the values returned from the headset, while on, are always zero (specifically orientation, position).

So, I discovered a setting which is called “Viewport Gets HMDControl” in Editor Preferences > Level Editor > Play. This way, I can use the headset orientation while doing a “simulate” playback of the game within the editor.

EDIT: Unfortunately this doesn’t work with the HTC Vive / SteamVR. I haven’t tried the new Rift but I can only say it works fine with DK2.