Is there a way to bake the camera shake values to the keys in sequencer?

Hi Everyone! I am using camera shake BP in my sequencer, it is working fine… but each time I render my sequence I get different seed of camera shake… Is there a way to bake the camera shake values to the keys?

I also need this,

Something like this would be an important feature for those of us who do cinematics/offline rendering and need to be able to do multi-pass rendering, or at minimum be able to present the same shot to client every time it is re-rendered. If nothing else a seed value, but the ability to export the camera with a shake included baked into the keys for jumping between applications for additional FX work.

what if you just parent another camera to the first one, then world bake it?

Attaching another camera does not seem to impart camera shake to the new camera, so no (just tried it).

In my case I have a shot here, rendered with Path Tracing, and I have done subsequent rerenders hoping to be able to go back and do more work on it without having to spend 16+ hours to render it every time I want to make a change. Normally when on a TV show or Film, multi-pass rendering is standard fare, and while Render Buffers and such are currently lacking in the Path Tracer, the only other option for the moment would be to render passes one at a time. Which for a shot like this would be impossible using the Camera Shake BP system as it currently stands.

Here is an example of the same shot rendered multiple times, and overlaid with one other.

probably the easiest way is to just key it yourself then, just make an additive track and some transform and rotation wobble
the other option is to create your own camerashake with controlrig and control that with a timeline value that is faking game tick time.
the built in on you’re using is probably just time*sin + some variables for each channel

In the meantime sure, but that isn’t the point, if you want to build an automated system, where you can spawn camera shake based on events in a scene for example, you should be able to do that, and have the whole system work end to end regardless of the kind of project you are working on.

I mean that is a huge part of the reason to use UE in the first place is so you can use it to procedurally aid in content creation and reduce the need to manually create everything by hand if it is something you have to do over and over again. Camera shake is one of those things, especially if you are going for more of a handheld look that can, and really should be created procedurally, but it also needs to be repeatable, like say in a seed value, similar to how Niagara particles can be made to be repeat the exact same response every time, a good example for both cases would be something like stereo content.

no reason you couldn’t build it with controlrig, it’s just not built in by default maybe

Yes, you can. If you are using BP_CameraShake there is a way.
Set up Level Sequencer asset into your scene. Select him and in details panel select “Autoplay”.
Open Take Recorder window and place CineCamera in it. Start recording, press Alt+S or ( simulate ) and let sequence run. At the end, you have that transforms recored wich can be converted Level Sequence Template and you acn apply it to your camera.


need some hint pls,if go simulate on, Record end immediately, but sim first then hit record will work. but camera lose lookat target which have setted in sequencer, any suggesting?


In UE 5.01 I am struggling to bake into keys camera shake movement, is there any way to do it?

I have a master sequence and inside a shot0010, inside this shot0010 i have a cine camera actor which has camera shake blueprint component assigned. What i want is to bake to keys the camera shake movement so whenever I will have to render again my shot to be exactly the same. I did try the take recorder window but maybe i did something wrong and it didn’t work,

any ideas?

If you recorded it with take recorder, it will create a new level sequence in which you can copy keyframes to your shot0010 or create a temple sequence out of ( much easier to reuse it. ). Be sure when taking recording, you have only transform track enabled ( in take recorder, click on the actor and go to properties inside TR)

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You should add that people should be careful by not hitting record button in the sequencer, that will just delete your whole animation with no way to restore it.
This just happened to me.

This has caused me some huge setbacks not being able to do compositing in post because the camera shake is different in each render. If Epic want to push the software more toward cinematics they really need to address these issues.

Another one being wind effects. A lot of time based materials use the time node which always starts its count when the render starts, so unless you always render from the same frame, it’ll have a different result each time.

Epic needs to introduce a method where the time node is synchronised to the sequencer position, you can manually do it by swapping it for a collection parameter and keyframe that parameter in the sequencer but I couldn’t get it to work for wind on megascans trees. Camera shake seems to be even worse, with the results just being random each time. Hopefully one day they’ll address this.

I’ll be looking at doing all camera shake in post if possible to avoid this issue in future.

This is SOOO annoying. I want to add a smoke/dust to this car cinematic but i really want to do it in post for the full control. Epic really need to sort this out esp as they will start charging non gaming companies for use in tv/film productions.

You can bake out camera shake with the Bake Transform tool in Sequencer. Here in 5.3,
I’ve baked the camera shake track, which ends up muting it and creating another transform section that has the baked keyframes.


Sorry for the delayed response. I had already tried baking the cam shake but it kept moving the camera to a random position. Note, that most of my cam moves in this sequence are animated along a spline (rail) with noise added afterwards.
So maybe thats why baking the noise does not work properly?
I can share my scene with you if that would help?

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You have just literally saved me :slight_smile: THANK YOU! Baking camera shake to have it consistent between renders is absolutely necessary for 3D stereo video.

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Thats a million dollar answer

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