I’d like to place some architecture in the scene and then be able to align another static mesh to the architecture’s face normal. For example I have some walls that are not flat and it’s very time consuming in UE4 to align each prop to the wall by hand and get it to match the wall’s surface normal. Is there a way to align one object to another’s surface normal. I’ve tried using the snap to floor options, but this just snaps the piviot to the collision box and does not align to the underlying surface normal. It also can only snap along z, I need x and y axis support, surface normal alignment, and snap to render mesh rather than collision mesh.
#Vertex Snapping To Surface Normal
I am bringing Vertex Snapping and snapping to surface normal (by vertex!) to UE4 engine, I’ve done all the code, it is currently pending some final review stages before going into the Engine
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Hi malcolm341,
In the meantime, the Landscape Painting solution you referred to in your other question would be the best work around. Try my set up I posted and hopefully it will work for you.
Thanks, TJ
Hi malcolm341,
We haven’t heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you still have questions about this, please feel free to post back here.
Thanks, TJ
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