Is there a VR keyboard in UE4?

Is there a virtual keyboard for VR that works with motion controllers? The keyboard for instance Audioshield uses seems to be a Steam VR keyboard. Is there maybe a way to make use of it through blueprint in UE4?
I know I could do one from scratch with a widget but that it a lot of tedious work that I hope can be avoided.

There is an HMD keyboard demo in Mitch’s VR Lab

(I added numeric keys and keys like .!@# in about an hour using a widget switcher)

not sure how it compares for ease of use with a hand controller driven one
i thought the thing with hand controllers is that you’re busy with their buttons, so input using head-look is going to be easier and more comfortable?

Here is the link to the github you want to download from

Then open the map
Its got the keyboard in there.
Cheers :slight_smile:

If you’re looking for a keyboard free of widget interaction beam, check out mine one: Immersive Keyboard (procedural). - XR Development - Unreal Engine Forums

This is much better than mine! :smiley: thank you

Oh thanks, man)