Is there a tutorial on how to migrate ENTIRE PROJECT between Unreal projects?

Hi everyone,

I need a tutorial on how to migrate an ENTIRE UNREAL PROJECT into another Unreal project.
If anyone knows thank you !!!


You can multi select folders and right click migrate. Use control to select them. Or outside of the editor you can copy and paste all the assets from content and config which basically duplicates the project and inputs. Usually over time i delete the saved files from time to time to keep my project size relatively managed.

Thanks Thad yip I have been doing just that and it works great. :slight_smile:

You saved me. This rescued my unopenable project and got me back up and ruining. Thanks man.

RMB on content folder and hit Migrate is the way it works now.

Yes the first thing is go to your content drawer. in your content folder right click and go to where it says level. Click on it and name it. After you name it then it will be a blank project till you do the next step. The next step is up in your top left hand corner click file. Save current level as then choose your level you just made a min ago. Save. After it brings all your assets into your new level go back to your content drawer where your “new level” was just created with all your assets. Right click on the level and then there will be a migrate option just like when you bring other assets into your projects. When you migrate it choose which project you want to migrate to. Then once you do that open up the project you migrated to your new level will show up there click on it and it will open up within the project you are already making.

I just learned this today so im happy to share this information. I’ll be posting a Tutorial video on my gaming channel sometime later. for anyone who is interested.

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