Is there a list of graphics cards their compatabiity to the DK2 & Unreal ?

I’m sure I’m not the only one having this problem but ever since Unreal 4.8 I have not been able to get my DK2 to work with either my laptop or desktop.

I know Unreal 4.8 caused black screen problems for a lot people in VR mode.

If such a list does not exist it would be great to set up one and post it here, on the wiki pages where it’d be easy to find and also on the Oculus site.

I really hate having to waste time fiddling with drivers and sdk updates every time there’s a new update to Unreal especially when after wasting often hours installing and uninstalling it
turns out it doesn’t even work!?

Powering the Rift | Oculus is the probable answer why your laptop does not run newer versions of the Oculus runtime, which 4.8 uses if I am not mistaken. But one could speculate that similar problems might apply to older desktop GPU’s with newer runtimes as well.

Atsk - Thanks for your quick reply.

Looks like I’m stuck using Unreal 4.7.6 for any VR work on my laptop then.
It has a GTX 675 M.

I can still use Unreal 4.8 to 4.10.1 on it but the VR Preview mode is greyed out and will only give a
black screen if I try to switch to VR Mode by choosing Standalone Game and hitting ALT + ENTER

UPDATE: My desktop has a GTX 760. As long as you are using Oculus SDK Unreal versions 4.7.6 to 4.10.1 all work in VR Preview mode with the DK2

I started putting together a spread sheet of graphics cards compatibility with different versions of Unreal & the Oculus SDK when using the DK2. Obviously I can only test what I have.

If everyone post the results with their machines I can keep updating it. This way we don’t all waste time searching the forums and getting frustrated trying out different software configurations every time there’s an update.