Is there a documentation/tutorial for the 4.16 Built-in-cloth system?

Loving the new (experimental) NVCloth tools in 4.16!

I was previously using the “Bind Cloth to Master Pose Component” node to duplicate an apex-simulated cloth mesh onto two identical actors, but in 4.16 no longer seems to work with NVCloth. Should I expect it to start working again around 4.17 or whenever NVCloth moves out of “experimental” status?

You cannot currently drive multiple graphics sections with a single sim mesh, but is something we are planning to add in the future.

I was playing around with cloth simulation and had the same problem, I noticed eventually that the last few collision shapes i added to my physics asset didn’t work with the cloth, so I copied my physics asset removed all bones that weren’t relevant for cloth simulation and used that one to create the cloth (still using the other one for everything else) and now it works.
I guess there is a limit as to how many collision shapes the system does handle and it doesn’t try to find the most relevant ones or warn that you are using too many.

Hello, i got a question. How can i remove vertex paint assets?


Thanks JamesG. For anyone else wanting to do , the workaround I have found is to set up a layered material covering everything you want to be part of the simulation. You can then apply the clothing asset to the layered material and just map the different “sub-materials” using UVs.

I honestly can’t get collisions working at all! I have created a few collision bodies in the physics asset, and selected the physics asset when making the clothing. Even tried deleting and re-making the clothing assets multiple times, but no collision whatsoever. Am I missing a step here?

I also cannot get the clothing asset to collide with the skeleton. I also played around with the Physics Type setting in the Physics Asset but it does not appear to have any effect.

Has Apex been removed completely? Trying to use the new built in cloth tools…I am not sure what to do, i try setting my characters ponytail (it has no bones) to a clothing asset but i get an error…

I had the same issue when trying to import an APEX file .

any ideas whats causing it? all i can think is maybe the hair planes are intersecting and that is causing a problem, must have something to do with how the mesh was made. and theres no bones for the ponytail so physics isnt really going to work either.

Unfortunately, I don’t.
I had the issue when trying to simulate a cape. Non-simulated parts of the cape intersect with parts of the skeletal mesh but that should not be unusual. The simulated part does not have intersecting planes.

Attempting to add joints to the ponytail in maya lt for physics sim

should be fixed for 4.17. I was incorrectly building the base transform for the master pose which led to artefacts.

There shouldn’t be any limits to spheres and capsules, however you will be limited to 5 boxes if you are using them due to a limitation in how the core simulation library handles convex objects. The only thing I can think of that’s known in 4.16 is that the physics asset is not updated once the clothing asset has been created. You would need to recreate the clothing asset after every change - limitation has been removed for 4.17

That error means that you have a degenerate triangle in the section you are trying to turn into clothing. It will either be very small or very thin - the location of the triangle vertices is printed in the error. The error you’ve posted shows that your verts are A={0.898, -34.67, 203.248} B={1.18, -34.764, 205.502} C={1.18, -34.764, 205.502} which means two of your verts are in the same location so the triangle has zero area. The reason fails to create your clothing asset is that the simulation of a zero or near-zero area triangle will intoduce NaNs into the simulation which will break the clothing and often trigger ensures in our renderer as the bounds of your object grows to infinity.

Is there a way to update the physics asset manually?

Is there a reason why happens only when importing APEX files? Shouldn’t also cause problems if the in-engine tool is used?

image shows the last capsule (leftmost) isn’t considered for the cloth collision, it is the 17th capsule. User Guide — NvCloth 1.0.0 documentation under Collision detection says up to 32 spheres and two spheres can be combined to a capsule, which describes exactly the behaviour in my image.
Edit: I am using Version 4.16.2

Chances are i am missing something really obvious, but still. Decided to try clothing system in new 4.17 build. Created base side scroller template. The painting itself worked fine and in editor window the clothing model seems to collide with base physics body. But when in game it gets some propulsion(like when base body walks for e.g.) - it immediately starts to clip. What am i doing wrong?

I tried the cloth feature with the 4.17 preview version. I still have the same issues.

You should submit a bug report on the answerhub.

I would, but I am not certain that is a bug. The feature is basically undocumented and I am hoping to find out if I am simply missing something.

I have everything set up, and am in section selection, and it wont let me select my mesh in the editor, and it wont allow me to select anything, and right click just controls the camera, paint tools are up, says no asset available… not shure whats up