Is there a bug about GPU particles transfered to CPU particles?

I re-checked one of my explosion effect particles to find what I’ve done to the splintered fragments, and then found that I did it wrong since I want the SubUV image to be randomly generated, not linearly, and this immediately restrict my fragment part of particle system to CPU particles, which was originally GPU particles when it was set to linearly blend between SubUV images… then problems comes, the whole fragment particles just never showed up, while other part of the explosion particle system still works…I had tuned the collision to CPU version but it doesn’t solve the problem, and the rest of modules were shown working fine, so I don’t get it…where is the problem lies? I just switch from GPU to CPU particles and everything messed up? Weird.

The original particle material I used for this fragment particle emitter is a translucent, default-lit, instanced material…while the rest of my explosion effect CPU particle emitter use some other materials that are translucent, unlit, instanced, but these emitters are still fine even if they are CPU particles…

Is this some kind of bug, or am I missing something?

Using Version 4.83 since my team still sticks to it.