Is there a Blueprint of AGameMode::Login?

Currently, I am trying to understand the roles and processes of the Client-Server Model. Although the documentation and wiki are quite helpful, when it comes to details it is better to look at the code. Or in my case: The Blueprints.

So, is there a blueprint version of AGameMode::Login I could study? Or maybe an only slightly modified version of it?

I´d like to combine Multiplayer (thus, Client-Server) and Local-Coop. And since this function seems to handle the PlayerController creation, I got curious. If you have any idea/hint/advise regarding my plan which is not related to this function, please feel free to write anyway! I would be very glad.

Login is not exposed as part of Blueprint. The only implementation you will find is in Code like you have described.

As the Documentation page shows, there is an Event OnPostLogin that is exposed to Blueprint so that you can apply logic after a player has been assigned an Player Controller and is successfully logged in.

I would recommend looking at this if that was the functionality you were trying to investigate.

Thanks for your answer. I´ll continue looking into the matter. Maybe I should rather look at the client side and try to understand when and where players are created, since this “event” causes the Player Controller creation on the server…

Oh and AGameMode::PreLogin also isn´t available?
I thought it might be useful to manage which players are allowed to join, since in the Client-Server Model its role is described as:

This will give the GameMode a chance to reject the connection

As far as managing players in Blueprint only. PostLogin is sufficient. If you find that a Player that has joined has insufficient rights, you can just forcefully remove them after the fact and alert them as to why once they are back at the Menu.

Got your point, thank you again!

You can combine Blueprint version and C++ version.
Create a BP Game Mode and work with it as usual, then Create a C++ Game Mode and overloading i.e. PreLogin/Login.
Then in BP Game Mode Class Settings, you set the Parent Class to your C++ Game Mode, and both are now executing.