Is the constructor only called when the Editor is started?
Is there a way to call it at compile time?
Hello! Do you mean Actor’s constructor? Also can you share more details explaining why you need to call it at compile time?
Starting the Editor every time you make a change
Because it feels inefficient
FollowCamera = CreateDefaultSubobject (TEXT (“FollowCamera”));
I want to use Follow Camera just by compiling
You seem to fundamentally misunderstand what compiling does. When you compile, your human-readable source code gets transformed into machine code (so that you can run the program later). Nothing gets called, executed, etc. during compilation. Your source code is your “plan” so to speak of what should happen when you run the program (e.g. the unreal editor) but nothing will happen until you actually start the program.
With this in mind, it should become clearer to you that you don’t have to compile or run anything to “use” your objects in your code. Maybe it would be a good idea for you to check out some basic programming tutorials to get a better grasp of how things work.