I need asap to downgrade from 2023.1 preview 2 to preview 1 (latest version crashes when I try to open a project built in the preview 1). How can I do? Where to find previous releases? Please help, I'm loosing a lot of work... ☹️
Hello ,
Sorry to hear about the troubles and we would need you report a bug so we can best investigate.
You can use this link here: https://twinmotionhelp.epicgames.com/s/case-community-page
Kind regards,
Vincent B.
Hi Vincent B.
I've got same problems like @stefano nolletti 's problems . My works made in 2023.1 preview 1. After install the latest version, some of my files can not be opened and .... crashed.....omg... Could you please help us to restore to the previouse version. Thank you alot.
Same problem. Twinmotion 2023.1 preview 2, crash when opening old files.
Thank you Vincent, done.
I've got the same problem. I have to finish a project for work due tomorrow and I am not able to open the project created with 2023.1 Preview 1 in Preview 2 anymore. It is more than ridiculous that you're not able to downgrade to preview 1 and make older projects work again. Why would you overwrite a functioning version?
I've got the same problem as you guys @stefano nolletti @MARCUS LE . By any chance you got a solution, converting it to P2?
Hi ,
My files worked in P1 but crashed in P2 due to the old material from model exist in the library. Then I sent the file to Epic team, they found the bug, fixed it and sent back to me. But almost files I worked in P1 are STILL OPENED OK in P2.
Just follow Epic team instruction. Hope your case would be solved.
Kind regards,
Triều Lê
I think I have the same problem, I sent the report via the an open case, not the file. If I can ask, where did you send the file?
kind regards
So just wait then they will help. They will give you a link to upload your file.
If you have a working P1 (I found a friend of mine) you can put your whole scene in the user library and then move/copy the file to the user library of you system. Drag and drop in P2 scene will success (also Direct links are still there). Hope it helps
Ofcourse that's a practical & good option if you still got a pc have the P1 version. Mine auto updates so no choice but ask for help.
We are looking at ways to resolve theses issues best and recommend you contact us directly by submitting a bug form.
We will post a message in the community today regarding some of the current issues that have been discovered with the recent release.
Thank you for your patience and understanding while we work on getting this resolved as fast as possible.
Kind regards,
Vincent B.
Thanks everyone for the feedback! Hope there's a solution soon :D
I need it ASAP 😟
I also have similar situation. My hardware does not support it and I can't run it at all. My project is 90% completed and I am now in anxiety. We are all licensed users, not free ones. It is a simple and not excessive request to put the download link of preview 1 back. There are some people who come up to criticize us who have encountered problems.
To be fair, preview versions are always in beta- they are known to have bugs sometimes, that's why it's not advised to do real projects in preview versions. It probably would have been a good idea to finish your project in preview 1 before upgrading since things like this happen.
The update was not intentionally. Unfortunately my launcher was set to auto update which I have learned from now. There's no point in working on new features while keeping certain bugs multiple versions. And again: why would you overwrite previous versions? Never change a running system.
Preview 1 also had bugs but you still consider that a "running" system. The severity of the bugs and who it affects is what varies. My preview 1 files open up and operate just fine in preview 2. I suppose the good thing is that people know to turn off auto updates now.
I do not consider Preview 1 as a running system. Nor do I consider any version of Twinmotion running properly, no matter if so called "Preview" version or not. I hope people turn off auto-updates. The amount of reported bugs in Preview 2 currently incoming is immense.
You just asked why they would overwrite a functioning system...
Preview 2 only replaced preview 1. You can still use versions 2020-2022 so you were saying that preview 1 was a running system and now you are not...