Is possible to downgrade from latest version?

read again, i said running, I believe everyone can read between the lines. Also using a version below 2023.1 Preview 1 wont work since downwards incompatibility. Nevermind, this is leading nowhere, guess we all have to be patient and wait.

"Why would you overwrite a functioning version?" Then you said "Never change a running system". To me, that's just you repeating yourself. Not exactly easy to "read between the lines" when you're talking to some random on the internet, can't read your mind bud, so say what you mean. I know backwards compatibility is not possible. I was saying that the only version you could have been referring to as functioning/running is preview 1 since that was the only version that was overwritten. Hope your issue gets sorted out, have a good one.

Hi ,

Do you mean converting to version 2023.1 P1 ? Epic will help you soon. My case is resolved, files are fixed. Thanks to Mr. @Vincent Boutaud​ .

Kind regards,


Hi Marcus, my case also could be solve by installing preview 1. Is that your case? Please help! Thanks

Nothing like a comment blaming the person that has the problem. Thanks

Not going to sugarcoat things just to spare feelings. People make mistakes, all you can do is learn from them.

Hello ,

It looks like you send your bug via the general submission form from our Crash reporter. Can you send your bug form using this link and send the file so I can assist?

Kind regards,

Vincent B.

Hi ,

I made the report again and attached the file.

Let me know if there is anything else I can do.

Thanks in advance!

Hi ,

Thank you for the follow-up and yes we are working on a fix to release as soon as possible. If you have not already done please contact us directly via the bug form.

Kind regards,

Vincent B.

Hello there. Just a free user excited about the possibilities offered by twinmotion. I came here thinking preview2 just upped the minimal requirements, hence my old project keeps crashing (sometimes when loading it, sometimes short after, or when trying to export an image) and the frame rate is severely reduced (down from an average of 35 to something like a little over 10).

I have to say Preview1 worked like a charm on my modest hardware (AMD Ryzen 3 3200G with integrated Radeon Vega Graphics and only 16 GB RAM). I love this software and it was always a pleasure to use, now one update away it's become unmanageable. But it sounds like it's just inherent bugs in development? New projects would be expected to run as smoothly as before? Or lower spec users should just revert to the 2022.2.3 version?

From what I understand, preview 2 runs on unreal engine 5.1 which is why it has heftier system requirements. Keep in mind that not everyone is experiencing bugs, I'm definitely not experiencing the ones posted on this forum. I don't think the bugs have anything to do with you actually running it because I think your hardware is probably insufficient for preview 2.

Thanks for the response, it makes sense. Would be nice if we could go back to preview1 (unreal 5.0) though, it was running great.

Not only that the auto update function is automatically activated as soon as you open/start the launcher and it has to be deactivated manually first (my mistake), but also that the preview 1 was simply overwritten. My co-worker cleverly disabled the auto update feature beforehand, so he's able to open my project normally. Only I can't because my preview was automatically updated to the 2nd. I definitely learned from this mistake. Updates bring new bugs, I know that, but entirely removing Preview 1 and not bringing it back since almost a week is the worst decision yet.