Is not in the same level collection as the net driver

Suddently I have a log saying the actor is not in the same level collection as the net driver.

[2018.07.23-08.12.53:442][237]LogNet: Verbose: UActorChannel::SetChannelActor: actor KServerBeaconLobbyClient /Game/Maps/M-Entry.M-Entry:PersistentLevel.KServerBeaconLobbyClient_0 is not in the same level collection as the net driver (KadeoNetDriver /Engine/Transient.KadeoNetDriver_1)!

And now the server crash on

void AOnlineBeaconHostObject::OnClientConnected(AOnlineBeaconClient* NewClientActor, UNetConnection* ClientConnection)
	UE_LOG(LogBeacon, Verbose, TEXT("OnClientConnected %s from (%s)"),
		NewClientActor ? *NewClientActor->GetName() : TEXT("NULL"),
		NewClientActor ? *NewClientActor->GetNetConnection()->LowLevelDescribe() : TEXT("NULL"));


The fails occurred in

FString UIpConnection::LowLevelDescribe()
	TSharedRef<FInternetAddr> LocalAddr = Driver->GetSocketSubsystem()->CreateInternetAddr();
	return FString::Printf
		TEXT("url=%s remote=%s local=%s uniqueid=%s state: %s"),
			State==USOCK_Pending	?	TEXT("Pending")
		:	State==USOCK_Open		?	TEXT("Open")
		:	State==USOCK_Closed		?	TEXT("Closed")
		:								TEXT("Invalid")

Some values should be invalid.

First, where to check the level collection of actor and net driver ?
