Is making a game about nazi's illegal?

Whaaat? You massacred Iraq for their Oil and killed their leader replacing him with a dummy person who is your agent, you destoryed afganistan . This is a fact the reason for attacking attacking Iraq was falsificated by u.s govrenment. What a filthy nation. You can’t even be straight about what you do and always lie, hipocrites.
USSR was bringing hospitals and schools to these countries. And you bring only death and desctrction, hiding your motives behind democracy. The whole world knows what “bringing democrasy means”.
Russia fights ISIS on middle east that you created.

In capitalist societies there is an entire spectrum from rich to poor. There is also an extraordinary wealth mobility. Today you are poor, but tomorrow you are wealthy, and vice-versa.
If you see a homeless it’s up to you, as an individual to decide whether to help him or not. No one stops you from helping those in need. What is morally wrong is to FORCE other people to help.

Also, if you hate capitalism that much, then how do you pretend to create and distribute your game? Steam, GoG, Epic, Unity, … , they all exist to make money.

Do you stand by your convictions or are you just a typical champagne socialist (I really love this expression)?

@spacegojira I would like to stop regarding WW2 because it may drag into very political debate perhaps not suitable for this type of forum. I would add just two final points: Think WW1 not 1939, and no you’ll be thinking one dimensional if you really think Hitler wanted to take over the world in order to ‘purify the race’, things are far more complex than that. Also do you really believe that Stalin didn’t want to take over Europe?

Lastly how about not playing as a Samurai, or a second ww2 imperialistic japan you have any idea how many genocides and massacres where commited by the japanese what Japanese and how they wanted to take over entire Asia? How about not playing as an Egyptian do you know what they supposedly did to the jews (according to the books, not my thoughts), or a Roman they literally conquered the entire world! How about what the British did with their expansionism or the french (the middle east is still in chaos because of their divisions and choices, India is in chaos because of them and so on…).

So singling out one ‘Evil’ deed or persona (which is never the case it is a collective decision) and tabooing that because of current social circumstances and not taking a look at the rest is just what i’m trying to say, and it’s this kind of one dimensionality that makes games or any other story/movie one dimensional.

Also you can kindly read again about what i wrote regarding the massacres to better understand what i meant.

@QurbanOlum : I get what you say about communism but unfortunately the system doesn’t work and history has proved it over and over again. Plus we can’t have it both ways, free market and being a communistic society. so you got to choose. I should know I came from a communistic country.
for the record no one doubts the advancements of USSR scientifically or in engineering that’s entirely different matter. in fact i am an admirer of that era’s advancements notably during Soviet Russia.

Also for the record Free market is nowhere near perfect, a small glimpse of that is Steam, as we all know very well, it brings out the best, or the utter trash of this earth notably the trash being overwhelmingly more in numbers and concentration and output, so yes it makes it so easy for the plague to spread so to speak. But imagine if we still had gatekeepers, a select few of us would be making games these days, I guess we just have to take the ■■■■ for the sake of the bigger picture.

I agree with you regarding your other comment of ‘the west trying to bring democracy to Iraq and middle east…’. : ).

Guys, this has gone way off topic, ultimately, Epic would allow a game showing the other side of WWII. If you want to do something beyond that, that’s a risk that you would have to decide if you want to take. You can also contact Epic and explain your game project and see if they have any issues with it before you start development. Visit Unreal Engine Support for Help and Customer Service - Unreal Engine