I already posted this question in the UT-Editor Bug thread, about 30 people read it, but no one answered…
I’ll have to add, that I’m totally new to 3d-programs, but the tutorials of you guys are really great
I really hope to get an answer here, because those materials are looking very nice!
so, here’s my question/problem:
I “MIGRATED” the Game Textures Free Materials from an Engine Project (v4.7.6) to the Content folder of the UT-Editor…
(as shown in some yt-Tutorials)
so far it worked, they’re all there as you can see in the screenshot,
BUT when I’m trying to apply them on a static mesh (or on anything else), nothing happens,
in the DETAILS window under MATERIALS I can see the name of the texture but the texture isn’t on the mesh…
is it even possible to use the Free Materials in the UT-Editor? and if so, HOW?
I would be very happy if someone could answer
would be nice, so I can finally start to make my map look a bit better
Kind Regards from the Lake Constance