I’m new to UE and specifically UE5, and I’m learning how to use Material Layers
I know that using Layered Materials is more popular, but coming from an enterprise software background, Material Layers
appeals to me due to the composition-over-inheritance nature.
I’ve made pretty good progress building a landscape auto-material, but now I want to add a Material Layer
for foliage, and it just isn’t working. To remove as many variables as possible, I have a new material that has nothing in it except for the Material Attribute Layers
node, piped into the output. I have a single Material Layer
as the material instance’s background layer. That Material Layer has nothing but a constant 1
input into a LandscapeGrassOutput
node. If I put the LandscapeGrassOutput
on my master Material
, then it shows up, but while its in my layer it doesn’t show anything.
Is there something special I need to do for the LandscapeGrassOutput
to work in a Material Layer